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How to customize Pick-IT ASP styles (for Internet Explorer client)



The lay-out of Pick-IT ASP in Internet Explorer can be changed to meet your own specific requirements, for instance to show larger fonts. This document describes how to change specific texts. This document only applies to using Pick-IT ASP in Internet Explorer, and not to the Pick-IT 'Exact Remote Forms' (ERF) client. The ERF client does not use the same styles configuration.



Please note that making changes to the default styles is at your own risk and can not be supported by Exact. On every Globe/WMS update, this styles file will be overwritten with the new default style document.
This new default style document could contain changes which are required for this updated version.

This means for updates, you will have to compare the existing and new style document, and manually apply the changes.


Styles.config file

File location

The file to edit is Styles.config, this file is located on the IIS server in the Pick-IT ASP folder, for example C:\Pickitmobile. It is recommended to edit this file with a HTML editor, but Notepad can be used.


After changing this file, it has become specific for your environment. This means it can not just be overwritten when installing a higher version of Pick-IT ASP.  Also, a higher version of Pick-IT ASP may contain changes in the new default Styles.config which are needed to operate Pick-IT correctly. The best solution would be to make a back-up copy of your original Styles.config, like Styles.config.original. When preparing for a Pick-IT update, compare the file Styles.config.original to the file Styles.config in the new set. If these files are the same, your customized Styles.config can still be used. If these files are not the same, you will have to compare the files and either copy the changes from the new file, or put your customization into the new file. Also do not forget to copy the new default Styles.config again to Styles.config.original after doing this.


Changing Styles.config

You will probably want to change one of the picking screens in Pick-IT (larger font). Each picking screen in basically the same screen in Pick-IT.  This is the default screen for Sales Order Fulfillment:


This screen is build up out of sections (panels or panes), and also the text groups have specific names:

The 'fieldlabel' in the info panel refers to all prefix texts, from 'Order' to 'SSCC'. 'Fieldvalue' refers to all values in the info panel, from '1025' to '14/23'. Search in the file Styles.config for the panel and text you want to change.


When changing the file, the new style is applied immediately, restarting IIS or Pick-IT is not necessary. Just go back and start the changed screen again to view the changes. It is however possible that Pick-IT will display an error page; in that case you made a syntax or typing error, or the desired style is not available in the changed section. So check your changes first in Internet Explorer.

Changing a specific label or text type may result in unexpected behavior; longer texts may no longer fit on the screen.
Also, the label and value names are the same throughout all Pick-IT screens. If you make changes for your order picking screen, this will also be applied in the receipts or counts screens for example.


HTML keywords

The properties of font sizes and colors are defined by standard HTML font properties. Just have a look at the default font properties used by Pick-IT in the file styles.config. This section provides some information on what font keywords could be used.

Font size keywords: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
Font weight keywords: normal, bold, bolder, light, lighter
Font colors keywords: black, blue, green, red,  gray, etc ...
  search for more color codes on Google




Sample 1: changing fieldvalue in the editpanel to a larger and bold font.

  • open the file styles.config (and make a back-up copy of it)
  • search for editpanel and then search for fieldvalue, you will see:

  • Change this to:

    and save the file.

  • The effect of this: order picking before and after this change:



Sample 2: changing fieldvalue size in infopanel


  • open the file styles.config (and make a back-up copy of it)
  • search for infopanel and then search for fieldvalue, you will see:

  • Change this to:

    and save the file.

  • The effect of this change: order picking before and after this change. Also note that the changed lay-out now offers less space for the lines:



 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 20.497.912
 Assortment:  Date: 13-12-2011
 Release:  Attachment: